~(About) Welcome to the Reading Nest~

My name is Jessica, I'm 22 years old and I'm from the great state of Oklahoma! I wanted to create a blog that revolves around my passion for reading (and occasionally writing, but I guess if you are doing a review blog then you will most likely be doing some writing ;). This is not my first venture into blogging - see http://booksandthekitchensink.blogspot.com or not only if ya want - but that blog mostly centered around my family, music I love, some TV, and also books, but a lot about my life in general. I wanted something that I could dedicate to books, books, and books. I love to read (have I said that yet:) Interest include: Romance (gush), thrillers, mystery, dystopian or post-apocalyptic, sci-fi, fantasy, chic-lit, contemporary lit, and so much more.  Right now I most relate to the young adult genre (after-all I am 22) but if I find something in the adult market that looks appealing I'm not so completely objective that I won't try it (I do have I severe love for Nicholas Sparks that counts right...or maybe it's the movies?) So now you know a little bit about me and this blog. I will post some reviews and some other fun book related stuff ( some on older books I've read and some that have recently been released), also I love suggestions and comments (if you love something posted let me know feed back is so much appreciated and if there is a new book out there or older hidden gems I don't know about please share I crave a good book to read!!). I will keep everything honest as possible, if I love it you will know and if I don't you'll know ( I do not drink haterade so I will not bash any books or authors, everyone has opinions but I firmly believe there is a difference between disliking something and saying it in a non offensive way and out-right bashing someone or something so...) Also I think blogging should be FUN so I also endeavor for anyone who reads this blog to have good experience and hopefully discover something new and interesting!! I hope you enjoy the Nest and come back to check out my new posts, updates, and so much more to come!!!

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