~From Page to Screen~

So in film today there seems to be a trend of adapting YA books to movies. I can't speak for everyone but I get freaking excited when I realize one of my very favorite books is going to go to the big screen (or possibly small). So I have decided to post some links to my favorite sites to stalk when I am looking for updated news on a book with a movie adaptation in the works and these are the places I travel to most:

Divergent Series:

Divergent Fansite - Divergent Book and Movie Fansite

Beautiful Creatures:

The Beautiful Creatures Movies

The Maze Runner Series:

The Maze Runner (2014) also see Related News

The Mortal Instruments Series:

City of Bones movie/ TMI Source

The Host:

The Host Movie News

The Hunger Games Movie Trilogy:

Mockingjay.net - Your Source for The Hunger Games

Z for Zachariah:

Z for Zachariah IMDb also see Related News

Some books are being consider as TV series:

Delirium :

DeliriumNet.com - Fansite for the TV show (update this one may be over before it began)

The Selection:

The Selection TV Series (Potentially)

I will keep updating this page as I become aware of anymore news. If you find something before me or know of a movie or TV show adaptation I have left out please feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. I hope everyone enjoys!

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