Monday, June 3, 2013

Author Spotlight: Carrie Ryan

I just want to start by saying this woman's books scare the heck out of me!
But that is a complete compliment :)
When I read this author's first book I was creeped out to the max, I legitimately thought that her book "The Forest of Hands and Teeth" was following me around my room when I could have sworn I put the book up on my book shelf and there it was right next to my bed again. I remember constantly checking out my window shades to make sure nothing was out in my yard lurking in the dark.
But after I got over my creep out factor I realized that she had an amazing gift as a story-teller! Her characters were just so completely real and reading it felt like I was watching a movie! I could feel the characters desperation and the hopelessness of their situation. Gosh my chest never ached so much reading a story.
I did not realize the book was about zombie's when I first picked it up, I swear that this is the only zombie book I've ever heard of that never once uses the word zombie to describe the not living characters! Can you say clever? That really impresses me for some reason!
Also I have to just say that even though these are zombie books, the zombies really just do become background noise. These books are all about the characters!
Then I read her second book in the series (well I'm not sure it is a series, book one could stand alone, but two and three must be read together!!) and wow! Just wow!
Again just blown away, the romantic tension (Gabry and Elias! Be still my heart), the despair, and the fight that drives these characters had me reading into the night! Instead of being completely scared this time though I could not read fast enough, I needed to know how the story ended and when I finished it I was sad because I had to play the waiting game for the last book to come out *sad face*
And can I just say that the last chapter of that book had me sitting up, back tense, brow furrowed with stress and literally I was screaming at my book! But that is only a further example at how marvelous of an author she is to create a world I completely despise and find so without hope but I have to come back again to know how the story ends because I'm so completely attached to these characters.
 And OMG when that final book did come out I thought my head would spin off my shoulders with the huge 360 degrees my brain had just preformed. I have no idea how she at one time made me completely love a character and then hate them within the matter of one sentence! It was my favorite book in the series/ may not be called series ever!
After reading her amazing stories I cannot wait for her next full length YA novel. I think she has just this wonderful ability as author at creating the character and world building you can't help but be intrigued by. You can visit her website if you follow this link: Carrie Ryan.
On her website you can find additional links to her blog, join the email list to get the latest update on books, also a link to the authors books, and FAQ!

Books mentioned in my post: (Links take you to!)

The Forest of Hands and Teeth (Book 1)
The Dead-Tossed Waves (Book 2)
The Dark and Hollow Places (Book 3)

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